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Borzoi, also called Russian Wolfhounds, are a large hunting dog specialized for chasing down fleeing prey (coursing) originating in Russia
small running borzoi
small running borzoi
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E-mail Bonnie Dalzell for details.

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All About Silkenswift Borzoi - pictures, biographies, pedigrees on line.

Silkenswift is the Kennel name used by Bonnie Dalzell, MA and James Saklad, MD currently at 5100 Hydes Road, Hydes MD. The kennel name is from a story by the late writer, Theodore Sturgeon, and is used with his permission.

The Silkenswift endeavor has produced more lure coursing performance titled sighthounds than any other kennel in the world, and the ratio of performance dogs to litters bred is probably also unmatched if kennels that have bred 5 or more litters are considered.

Silkenswift Borzoi currently has several very promising young puppies available sired by Blaze and out of DC Seabury Sabrina of Silkenswift. Also available are some older pups as well as good quality young adult Borzoi. Some of the young adult dogs are field pointed or field titled. Please read about our Borzoi before using this link to write Bonnie Dalzell about available puppies and adults.

ORC FCh Silkenswift Blaze of Chaos LCM2
#1 ASFA Lure Coursing Borzoi for 1996.
Litter brother Silkenswift Flash of Chaos, FCh SOR SC
#1 AKC Lure Coursing Borzoi for 1996.
Litter brother FC Silkenswift Shadow of of Chaos, FCh SC
#4 Canadian Lure Coursing Borzoi for 1996.
Pedigree of Blaze, Flash and Vlad.
new! Picture and Bio-sketch of Buyan a male Borzoi from Russia who came to the US in 1984.

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