A very complete list of Borzoi web sites, including sites not in North America, is at Renee McCartin's home page http://www.mielikkishunt.com/wwwborzo.htm. We have exchanged lists as part of this project.
In my opinion the most common deficiency of the individual kennel sites is failing to identify the owner, and in some cases the location [including country]. Most people would like to have an idea of who you are and outside of your circle of friends not everyone associates you kennel name with your name. I have been confused with a couple of other Borzoi breeders: Bonnie Nichols of Nickolai Borzoi (dark Borzoi in Ohio) and Dianna Darling (dark Borzoi also in MD)
Again, in my opinion, the most annoying aspect of a few of the sites is poorly done HTML, especially poorly done css, so that text overlaps in modern, but non-MSIE browsers, making things difficult to read. In addition Angelfire.com has web page templates that include some script that is SUPPOSED to be deleted before you use the final page on your site. Read their instructions and delete the stuff! The Anglefire script which promotes popups can create problems with some older systems, and can even flood the CPU processor on modern systems.
An excellent resource for helping to generate universally readable web sites is the w3org validator service at http://validator.w3.org/
I have a basic page tutorial "An Introduction to Web Page Construction" linked at www.batw.net.
Borzoi Magazine and Information Sites
Borzoi [and Related] Club Sites
Individual Borzoi Kennel Sites, alphabetically by Kennel Name | ||
Domain Name | Kennel Name | Owner Name and Comments |
angelfire.com/wa3/aashtoria | Aashtoria Borzoi | Robin K Reil, WA, USA - * Angelfire site with Angel Fire Site |
agustborzoi.com | Agust Borzoi | Marie A Agun, WA, USA |
akanni.com | Akanni Hounds | Amy Balthrop, MI, USA, Borzoi and Rhodeisan Ridgebacks |
borzoi.net/Aldemoor/ | Aldemoor Borzoi | Sandra L. Simmons, TX, USA |
showborzoi.net | Anatak Borzoi | 2nd site |
geocities.com/jfrankannwn/index.html | Annwn Borzoi | Jennifer Frank, MI, USA |
showborzoi.com | Anotak Borzoi | Roger & Joyce Katona, Ohio, USA |
ardfinnan.de/inhalt.htm | Ardfinnan Borzoi | Sonja und Gerald Kettner - Germany |
ardagans.nl | Ardagans Borzoi | * no owner name, Netherlands |
argowan.com | Argowan Borzoi | Anita Bugges - Australia - black text on blue background |
ariaborzoi.com | Aria Borzoi | Rita M Linck, TX, USA |
asgardhounds.com | Asgard Borzoi | Lucie Langlois and Daniel Morrison, AZ, USA |
auroras-borzois.de | Aurora's Borzoi | Dieter & Gaby Strube - Germany site has pop ups |
auroralkennels.com/ | Auroral Borzoi | Jon and Jennifer Steele, MI, USA Java Script Site *2. |
geocities.com/avalon_borzoi | Avalon Borzoi | Sandra Moore, TN, USA |
avalynborzoi.com | Avalyn Borzoi | Lynne and Mike Bennett, MI, USA |
avatarengineering.com/borzoi/ | Avatar Borzoi | Dan Averill, Maryland, USA * no owner name on site - owner from e-mail |
borzoi.net/azuma/ | Azuma Borzoi | David A. Gordon NV, USA |
borzoi.net/bedfordwoods | Bedford Woods Borzoi | * no owner anme or location at site * some links in pink almost same as background |
geocities.com/belozor_zoi/home.html | Belozor Borzoi | Suzanne Liggett |
blackmoorkennels.com/ | Blackmoor Kennel | Mrs. Karen Wilkin, NM, USA |
blysskennels.us | Blyss Borzoi | Lorene Connolly and Robert Dwyer, NJ, USA |
russianwolfhounds.us/ | Bokhara Borzoi | Rick & Shen Smith MI, USA |
borscana.net | Borscana Borzoi | Liz Edland & Rickard Sellin, Sweden |
borzoitomsk.com | Borzoi | "Un Gengis Khan du Grand Fresnoy" Owner is Martin |
borzoidelsol.com | Borzoi Del Sol | Susan Van de Water MD, TX, USA |
borzoiromanovs.com | Borzoi Romanovs | Kennel in Russia [Russian and English pages] |
borzoi.net/BraveNewWorld | Brave New World Borzoi | Sharon E. Johnson, Utah, USA |
clestial.com | C'Lestial Borzoi | Liz Green. KY, USA |
celestialborzoi.net | Celestial Borzoi | Nancy Hopkins, San Antonio TX |
chalkbuttesborzois.com | Chalk Butts Borzoi | * no owner name or location |
chataquaborzoi.com | Chataqua Borzoi | * no owner name, Texas |
chrysalisborzoi.com | Chrysalis Borzoi | Pam & Bill Leichtnam, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA |
clovocresborzois.com | Clovocres Borzoi's | Borzois and pastel portraits. * lots of web cookies * no owner name |
coolrunhounds.com/ | Cool Run Hounds | Borzoi and Silken Windhounds - Gloria Hyland-Fisher, NJ, USA |
netrover.com/~jamunro | Coquetel Borzoi | Julia & John Munro, Ontario, Canada |
coronadoborzoi.com | Coronado Borzoi | * no owner name, * "Your first contact for help and advice on the UK Borzoi" |
DjinnSeeker.com | DjinnSeeker Borzoi | Linda & Ed Bourne, Mississippi, USA * css site |
eidolonborzoi.com | Eidolon Borzoi | Dan and Connie Taylor, MI, USA |
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/ferlinka/my_photos | Ferlinka Borzoi Photo album - not a organized web site | Deb West |
goto-hwl.com/elista | Elista Borzoi | * no owner name |
www.geocities.com/tfantom2 | Fantom Borzoi | Tracy Fant |
firebirdborzoi.com | Firebird Borzoi | Corrine Miller * css site |
golightlyborzoi.com | Go Lightly Borzoi | Philip, Marcella and Ryan Zobel, CA, USA |
greyhavenhounds.com | Greyhaven on Fox Mead | Marilyn Polsfuss |
gryffynsaeyrie.borzoi.cc/contents.html | Gryffyns Aeyrie Borzoi | R. Lynn Shell-Whitlock and Victor Whitlock, TX, USA *no owner name at site - found it on linking to site, |
veni.smugmug.com/Animals | Veni Harlan - photo gallery site | |
veni.smugmug.com/Animals | Veni Harlan - photo gallery site | |
havenviewborzoi.com | Havenview Borzoi | Robert Vallejo Pantoja, WA, USA imported dogs |
borzoihouse.com | Japanese site | Can't read site since I do not read Japanese |
borzoi-jp.com | Japanese site | But dog pictures have names in western alphabet |
jedawnkennels.com | Jedawn Kennels | Dawn and Jeff Hall, Nebraska, USA |
eborzoi.com/jubilee_borzoi.htm | Jubilee Borzoi | Cynthia & Paul Gredys |
kansaikennels.com | Kansai Borzoi | Cricket Murray, North Carolina, USA |
karanoffborzoi.com | Karanoff Borzoi | Karen Klein, Maine, USA |
katushkaborzoi.com | Katushka Borzoi | * Macromedia Flash player site - cannot be accessed if you do not have flash |
kckennels.net | KC Kennels | Kasey A. Nelson |
kelcorov.com | Kelcorov Borzoi | Bunny Kelley, CA, USA |
borzoi.ca | Kenai Borzoi | * owner's name not available |
geocities.com/kenibeaborzois | Kenibea Borzoi | Ros, Greg & Shannon Barden, Australia |
borzoifjascho.com | Kennel Fjascho | * no owner name, Norway |
khanzadeborzoi.com | Khanzade Borzoi | Katie Averill, Georgia, USA |
kifka.com | Kifka Borzoi | * no owner name |
kinobiborzoi.info | Kinobi Borzoi | Rebecca Peters-Campbell, MA, USA |
kirov.tripod.com | Kirov Borzoi | Barbara Ewing |
korsakovborzoi.com | Korsakov Borzoi | Jane Maddox Bishop, Virginia, USA |
borzoi.com | Kristull Borzoi | Francie Still, TX, USA |
geocities.com/anneadill2005/ | Kumasan Borzoi | Anne A Dill, FL, USA |
kyrov.borzoi.net/ | Kyrov Borzoi | Amy Sorbie, Rocky Mountains (no other location), USA * "best viewed at 1024X768 resolution" |
laveriteborzoi.com | La Verite Borzoi | Richard Mason Terry, TX. USA |
geocities.com/laikaborzois | Laika Borzoi | Marlene Sapp, (no state listed on site) |
borzoi.net/lagniappe | Lagniappe Hounds | Dee and Greg Jones, Baton Rouge, LA, USA * "YOUR COMPUTER IS NOT CONFIGURED PROPERLY" |
laureateborzoi.com | Laureate [ Hounds of] | Monica E. Barry Florida - * css site *well planned Video Clips 3. |
borzoi.no | Le Sphinx Borzoi | Marit Folgero, Norway |
lostkeyborzoi.com | Lostkey Borzoi | Ross, Rhonda & Arianna Robins, Pensacola, Fl, USA |
borzoivito.com | Lynx Spirit of the Tiger | Finnish & Estonian Champion Lynx Spirit of the Tiger "Vito" |
pagebleu.com/majenkir | Majenkir Borzoi | Karen and Robert Cartabona, NJ, USA |
mandolinborzoi.com | Mandolin Borzoi | Pat and Robert Hardy, North Carolina, USA |
maschasborzoi.net | Maschas Borzoi | Ralph Jamison, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA |
meadowcreekborzoi.com | Meadow Creek Borzoi | Mike and Robin Clifford, Oregon, USA * pale white text on textured white and blue background - hard to read |
melockoffborzoi.com | Melockoff Borzoi | Gale D. Snoddy, Milford, Ohio, USA |
meyta.com/ | Meyta Borzoi | Laura Hyatt, MI, USA |
mielikkishunt.com | Mielikki's Hunt Borzoi | Renee McCartin, NY, USA |
mikajeborzoi.com | Mikaje Borzoi | * no owner name or state |
borzoi.net/Miskat | Miskat Borzoi | Leena Harkonen, Finnland |
monarchborzoi.com | Monarch Borzoi | Shawn & Tammy Smith, * no state, * broken links |
moondancehounds.net/ | MoonDance Hounds | Ann Miller, IL, USA |
morozovaborzoi.com | Morozova Borzoi | Jerry White, Janet Adams, WA and NV, USA - need date for Morozova's Rafale as #1 ASFA |
borzoi.net/mutzko | Mutzko Borzoi | Paul & Gwen Post, LA, USA |
nickolaiborzoi.tripod.com | Nickolai Borzoi | Bonnie Nichols, Ohio , USA |
borzoi.us | North Woods Borzoi | Jim & Lauri Anderson, Washington State, USA |
oaklara.com/ | Oaklara Borzoi | Pat Murphy. Il, USA |
obobtor.com/ | OBobtor Borzoi | Robert Torquato, * no location [and Bengal Cats] |
borzoi.net/Butkowsky | OZsome Borzoi | Janice and Rick Butkowsky, NY |
phaedra-borzoi.com | Phaedra Borzoi | Carol Kubiak Zamora, George Zamora Dr. Kevin Shimel, Monmouth Junction, NJ, USA |
picklehillhound.com | Pickle Hill Borzoi | Fern and Lou Lockrem, USA |
podusham.com/ | PoDusham Borzoi | Alice M. Reese, AL, USA |
porcelainborzoi.com | Porcelain Borzoi | Margaret & John Picone, Zebulon, North Carolina, USA |
borzoi.net/Radost | Radost Borzoi | Lynda and Kirk Gillaspey, NV, USA * Flash front page but you can still enter site even if you do not have Flash |
regiusborzoi.com | Regius Borzoi | Doreen Carlstad, Snohomish, Washington, USA |
eborzoi.com | Renaissance Borzoi & Silken Windhounds | Chris DJ Swilley |
geocities.com/rijudawgskool | Riju Borzoi | Rich and June Mintchell, IN, USA |
roscommonborzoi.com | Roscommon Borzoi | Colleen Boyle & Pauline Coe |
rosehillwindhounds.com | Rosehill Windhounds | Sherita Tabner, TX, USA |
rusalkahounds.com/ | Rusalka Borzoi | Jennifer Beach-Buda, Iowa, USA |
russianborzois.com | Russian Borzois | * no owner name, * css site |
ryazanborzois.co.uk | Ryazan Borzoi | Jean Clare |
geocities.com/sohounds | SOHounds | Sara Ose |
goto-hwl.com/Savladai | Savladai Borzoi | Helen W Lee, British Columbia, Canada |
sedonaborzoi.com | Sedona Borzoi | Tamara Carey, Washington State, USA |
shefaro.com | Shefaro Borzoi | Sherry Faye Rodarmor, TX * poor use of frames can get into infinate frames within frames mode when doing "back step" |
silkenswift.info | Silkenswift Borzoi | Bonnie Dalzell, MD, USA |
sirovna.ca | Sirovna Borzoi | Caroline Thibodeau * Lamont Bearded Collies & Pointers |
skylerborzoi.com | Skyler Borzoi | Melissa, Chris & Megan Hundley, Georgia, USA |
skyrunkennel.com/borzoi_index.htm | Sky Run Borzoi | Barbara N. Skinner, NJ, USA |
soyara.com | Soyara Borzoi | * no owner name, OH, USA |
spirit-of-the-tsar-borzois.com | Spririt of the Tsar Borzoi | * no owner name * Java script site 2. - German Language |
doxie.com/ | Spritzkof Borzoi | Dr. Ronald & Carol Spritzer |
geocities.com/stillwaterborzoi/home.html | Stillwater Borzoi | Charles Tyson, USA |
sunburstborzoi.com | Sunburst Borzoi | Garnett Thompson in Concord, CA, USA |
svershinborzoi.net | SVershin Borzoi | Terry & Ann Doane, IA, USA |
geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/1428/ | Svora Borzoi | Shirley McFadden, Texas, USA |
sylvanborzoi.com | Sylvan Borzoi | Christopher and Patti Neale, FL, USA - no state but phone number |
tahoeborzoi.com | Tahoe Borzoi | KC and Steve Artley OH, USA * "view at 800 x 600" * no owner, no location |
www.nktelco.net/teine/teine.htm | Teine Borzoi | Ann Midgarden, OH, USA |
tiarraborzoi.com | Tiarra Borzoi | Bill and Kathy * no last name, New England |
timelessborzoi.com | Timeless Borzoi | Robin Casey * no owner name on site |
tina.borzoi.net/ | Tina's Page | Memorial Page for a lovely rescued Borzoi |
topflightborzoi.com | Top Flight Borzoi | Suzanne Newsom, DVM, GA, USA |
TejasBorzoi.com | Trena Chapman | Las Colinas, TX, USA |
personal.palouse.net/valeska/ | Valeska Borzoi | Yvonne & Rey McGehee |
valinorborzoi.com | Valinor Borzoi | Ormonde and Deborah Butler, Tehachapi, CA, USA |
vaskes-borzoi.com | Vaskes Borzoi | Don Foran, Cork, Ireland * Squished Shockwave Object |
ventodanzaborzoi.com | Vento Danza Borzoi | * no owner name Leola, PA, USA |
wilde-starrborzoi.com | Wayfarer Borzoi and Friesian Horses | * no owner name Hayward, California, USA |
wideviewfarm.com/ | Wideview Farm | MT Milne, artwork in addition to dogs, * no location given |
wildhunthounds.net/home.html | Wild Hunt [Hound of] | Ariel Duncan * no last name, no location, |
windnsatin.com | Wind'N Satin Borzoi | Mary Childs, OH, USA |
www.geocities.com/wildwoodborzoi | Wildwood Borzoi | Kay Henderson CA, USA * pictures are on a 2. Java script slide show |
world-borzoi-association.com | WINDHUND FACHVERLAG | German Language site |
world-borzoi-association.org | WINDHUND FACHVERLAG | German Language Site - duplicate link for |
windriderborzoi.com | Windrider Borzoi | * no owner GA, USA * "Special Note: This is an extreme website and having a dial-up or slow-speed internet connection service would be timely" |
windriftborzoi.com | Windrift Borzoi | Jon & Nancy Reimer, Indiana, USA |
wolfridgeborzoi.com | Wolf Ridge Farms | Bob Wimberg * no location |
borzoi-fieldandforest.com | Working Borzoi site | (as in coursing, etc) * owner's name not available |
borzoi-fieldforest.com | Working Borzoi site | (as in coursing, etc) * |
wyvernborzoi.com | Wyvern Borzoi | * no owner name, * no location |
zabavaborzoi.com | Zabava Borzoi | * no owner, * no location - may be in Russia |
Non-western alphabet sites
Borzoi Art
Site Uses "Borzoi" in its name but is not about dogs
Commercial - apparently not primarily Borzoi
Unused, For Sale, On Hold or Under Construction
Arranged alphabetically by domain name.
1. Hotlinking is the practice of making a link within your pages that draws content from another site, as opposed to directing a visitor to that other site. Usually the content is a picture. It puts an additional load on the remote site's servers so it is bad manners.
A typical hot link looks like this:
<img src ="http://batw.net/images/batw_zygote.jpeg">
2. Java Script . Certain older browsers may not be able to execute Java Script, or for security reasons the visitor may have Java Script turned off, and computers behind certain firewalls may not be able to use Java Sript because it is a scripting language that runs on your local computer, not from the distant server.
3. Video Clips . Downloadable video clips are an asset to a dog site provided that the visitor has the option to download them or not. Automatically downloadable clips can be a real hardship to people who are on dial up or have older computurs.
4. Background Music Clips . Background music video clips are considered by some to be an asset to a site provided that the visitor has the option to download them or not. Automatically downloadable clips can be a real hardship to people who are on dial up or have older computurs, in addition your choice of music may really annoy some visitors.
5. Macromedia Flash is a web site presentation tool that requires the local browser to have a Flash plugin. Flash can serve as an entry port for viruses and malware as is discussed in this article. Many people deliberatly refuse to have Flash operate in their browser. If you want everyone to enjoy you site then the use of Flash as the only way for a visitor to navigate the site is a mistake.
6. Background graphics and colored text and CSS If you choose to use a busy and intense background graphic, test the readabi lity of the site out by having someone who does not know about your topic look at the site. If you use colored text be sure to set a contrasting background color. Not all browsers default to a white background color. You could end up with a site not readable by some browsers. This seems to happen the most often when the background color is set in the body header tag and the font color is set using CSS. Not all browsers process CSS the same way. CSS is best used to enhance an already readable page rather than to construct an entire page, since an error in CSS can result in an almost unreadable page. Link to an Article on site design tips".
![]() Site Design and Installation by BATW Graphics | Follow this link to our companion BorzoiSites: BorzoiPedigree.info Borzoi Coat Color Information Back to Borzois.com home pages |
![]() Hosted at QWK.net |